
Golden, Colorado




AC Development


Wenk Associates, Michael Hsu Office of Architecture


12.4 acres


Scope of Work

Master Planning (Clayworks); Lead Design Architect and Architect of Record (CoorsTek Headquarters)

Redevelopment of the former CoorsTek industrial site presents a significant opportunity to enhance the core of Golden with a catalytic mixed-use district of significant scale and quality. With a focus on sustainability, Clayworks will comprise both new-build and adaptive reuse components.

The site will be structured around a high-quality public realm and designed to connect strongly to nature and the Golden context, while reflecting the civic legacy and values of the Coors family and their cluster of companies.

CoorsTek's new global headquarters will be an anchor tenant within the mixed-use district. Building upon the site’s unique industrial character and history, the project will offer a dynamic new destination that complements Golden’s active outdoor lifestyle.

Environmental sustainability, biophilic design, and connections to trails will promote health and wellness.